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Math Quilts

Math Quilts

On this page you will find some of our most elegant quilts, illustrating and reflecting the beauty of mathematics.

Pi Quilt
from $133.13

A fabulously nerdy quilt for an irrationally low price: $133.13 (the fourth root of pi) for a 46" square version and $314.15 for the full Queen size (94" square)! This beautiful, warm, puffy quilt displays over a hundred digits of pi rendered entirely in stitches for a gorgeous sculptural look. 100% cotton top and back fabric with 100% polyester batting. There is a choice of fabric and thread colors, but we strongly recommend unbleached cotton with natural unbleached thread. This allows the texture to really stand out.

If you want even more pi, we also have a remarkable circular quilt that contains all the digits of pi. Seriously.

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Infinity Pi Quilt

This quilt contains an infinite number of digits of least conceptually. In practice only about the first 5800 are actually readable, and after about 10,000 they have gotten so small that they are less than one stitch wide. The last infinity digits are represented by a single stitch. The purest form of this quilt is round, but we also have a square version (same circular design, but with the corners filled in with a simple pattern).

Unlike most of our other quilts, this one is made with wool batting, so it is thinner and drapes more like a traditional quilt.

We also have a less extreme (but thicker and puffier) regular pi quilt with about 180 digits of pi..

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Tau Quilt
from $133.13

Tau, as the sophisticated reader will know, is 2pi. If you’re one of those who understand that 2pi occurs far more frequently in the equations of physics than an individual pi, then we have the quilt for you!

Despite being twice the value, these quilts are prices the same as our pi quilts: $133.13 (the fourth root of tau/2) for a 46" square version and $314.15 for the full Queen size (94" square)! This beautiful, warm, puffy quilt displays over a hundred digits of tau rendered entirely in stitches for a gorgeous sculptural look. 100% cotton top and back fabric with 100% polyester batting. There is a choice of fabric and thread colors, but we strongly recommend unbleached cotton with natural unbleached thread. This allows the texture to really stand out.

If you want even more tau, we also have a remarkable circular quilt that contains all the digits of tau. Seriously.

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Infinity Tau Quilt

This quilt contains an infinite number of digits of tau (2pi) least conceptually. In practice only about the first 5800 are actually readable, and after about 10,000 they have gotten so small that they are less than one stitch wide. The last infinity digits are represented by a single stitch. The purest form of this quilt is round, but we also have a square version (same circular design, but with the corners filled in with a simple pattern).

Unlike most of our other quilts, this one is made with wool batting, so it is thinner and drapes more like a traditional quilt.

We also have a less extreme (but thicker and puffier) regular tau quilt with about 180 digits of pi..

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Fibonacci Spirals and Fibonacci Sequins
from $150.00

These clever Fibonacci Sequins (or no sequins if you prefer) quilts are perfect for fans of perfection in nature, and puns. The Fibonacci spiral is found everywhere in nature, including famously in sunflowers and chambered nautilus shells. It’s based on the Fibonacci sequence, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, and so on, with each number in the sequence equal to the sum of the two numbers before it. The shiny sequins hand-stitched along the main spiral are there just to be funny. Fibonacci sequence / Fibonacci sequins, get it? Sorry.

We can make these as large as 94”x 94” or any smaller size to about 24” square. . Our standard sizes are 94” x 94”, 47”x 47” and 29”x 29” If you aren’t in a hurry we can make various custom alterations. Contact us for more information:

We use cotton Fabric, polyester batting, polyester thread, cotton twill binding. Images include examples of quilts stitched with Black fabric and Aqua thread, Natural fabric and Dark Teal thread, Natural Fabric with Periwinkle thread. Black fabric and white thread, Natural Fabric with Black thread, Describe your favorite thread color and we will do our best to match it. .

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