The perfect gift for anyone who likes stuff made of molecules!
Stock and Custom Designs Available!
As an offshoot of my work creating renderings of molecules for my Molecules book, I developed Mathematica code to turn MOL files into various pretty forms, including nice sort-of-physics based glows around the structure diagrams.
Naturally I decided to extend this code to create quilting and embroidery patterns. Stock and custom molecules are now available for sale in quilt form—and you know you need at least one of them.
Have a colleague or spouse who's spent their life working to perfect a certain molecule? They need a quilt of it!
The molecular diagram (including atoms, bond lines, and atomic symbols) are stitched 5-times over, so they stand out almost as if they were appliqué. Single, double, and triple bonds are correctly represented, as are benzene rings. The curvy lines surrounding the diagram represent contours of electron density around the molecule. (Except it's really all fake, given that these are 2D diagrams of 3D molecules. They're actually contour lines of a bogus electrostatic model that arbitrarily distributes charge at the atoms and along the bond lines. They serve the important purpose of holding the batting in place: All quilts need to have lines no more than 6-10 inches apart or they won't be stable.)
See below for designs I've already developed. Some of these have actually been stitched out, others remain purely theoretical. All are custom-made to order with your choice of fabric and thread color.

We are also able to create quilts pretty much automatically for nearly any molecule (that has a reasonable number of atoms). Our code can turn a MOL into a stitching patterns without human intervention, with or without a text label (to say what molecule it is). That means we can offer custom quilts of your favorite molecule for only a bit more than the stock designs.
By default all molecule quilts are 94" square (just under 8 feet), made with 1" polyester batting (warm and soft!). This is a good size for a queen or king size bed. By special request we can make them smaller.
Standard fabric colors are black, white, and unbleached (all 100% cotton). Other colors available on request.
We can also optionally add hanging loops (order at the bottom of this page as an add-on item to any quilt order).
If you're interested in a custom molecule, you can either take a leap of faith and place an order using the Custom Molecule option below (and we'll refund your order if for some reason your desired molecule isn't practical), or email first (
A quilt for...waking up in the morning?
(Click the image to see more picture. When you order the quilt you'll be given options for fabric, thread color, and lettering.)
If you love chocolate, you need this quilt. Theobromine is the active ingredient in chocolate, much the way caffeine is the active ingredient in coffee. They are, in fact, so similar that most chemists familiar with the shape of caffeine will assume this is it. This is quilt is thus a good way to fool your chemist friends, especially the coffee-drinking ones.
This quilt shows some important molecules associated with wine. Ethanol (grain alcohol) of course, but also resveratrol (a fungicide produced in the skin of grapes to protect themselves from infection) and tartaric acid (one of the main reasons wine is acidic). A full accounting of the chemical composition of wine is beyond the scope of this quilt, but it does cover some of the key components.
This quilt shows some important molecules associated with wine (ethanol, resveratrol, and tartaric acid) and cheese (a short segment of casein protein and a typical fatty acid triglyceride). Filling in the space between them are some water molecules, just like in the real thing. This quilt costs a extra because the wine and cheese are different colors (also just like in the real thing).
This is a thoroughly nasty quilt. All the molecules on it, FOOF, selenophenol, hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane, dimethylcadmium, chlorine trifluoride, and azidoazide azide, are featured in Derek Lowe's "Things I won't work with" blog. Some of them are explosives (stitched in red), others are nasty oxidizers (yellow), and the rest are just plain nasty (green). This design was suggested by John Stoner, so you can thank him for one nasty piece of work.
These fun little quilts come in two styles: A pretty pink estradiol molecule with pink trim, or a bouncy baby blue testosterone molecule with blue trim. How stereotypical is that? No cliche has been left unturned in the creation of these quilts. Please note, they are smaller than the other quilts we sell: They are close to what is considered a standard crib size (finished size 31" x 47", 78cm x 120cm). They are also made with thinner batting, making for a more traditional quilt-like feel that drapes softy.
PLEASE NOTE! There are many laws concerning the sale of children's bedding, primarily related to flame resistance treatments. We do not represent these quilts as meeting all of those requirements, and thus are not officially selling them for the purpose of being put in an actual baby's bed. Hanging on the wall, doll beds, etc, are fine, but you're on your own with a real baby. Kind of like being a parent in general.
The cloth on both sides is 100% unbleached cotton, and the batting is 80% cotton, 20% polyester. This material will burn, but will not cling to the skin like burning synthetics.
This is a video that shows the worst-case scenario for what happens if one of these quilts is lit on fire. Your call:
The ultimate His & Hers (or Hers & His or His & His or Hers & Hers) quilt! Testosterone on one side and Estradiol on the other, or any combination you like. Please use the option menu to select which hormones you want on which side of the quilt: All variations are available. Don't forget to consider which side of the bed you sleep on. If this is a gift, please consider whether you have the sort of relationship with the recipient where you can ask that sort of question.
(Click the image to see more picture. When you order the quilt you'll be given options for fabric, thread color, and lettering.)
All our quilts are made with a three-layer stack of 100% cotton fabric (otherwise known as cellulose), polyester batting, and another layer of cotton fabric. This quilt takes it a step further by having a three-layer stack of molecule diagrams, cellulose on the top and bottom with polyester in the middle. (Just a few units of course, the actual polymers are much longer!)
This is one of our more beautiful and desirable quilts, plus it makes for a fun guess-that-molecule game with your chemist friends.
(Click the image to see more picture. When you order the quilt you'll be given options for fabric, thread color, and lettering.)
Perfect for getting to sleep gently, the melatonin quilt will lull you into a peaceful slumber.
Cotton Fabric, Polyester batting, Polyester thread and cotton twill binding.
(Click the image to see more picture. When you order the quilt you'll be given options for fabric, molecule thread color, and lettering. The background thread color will be the same color as the fabric.)
This quilt shows two serotonin molecules facing each other with their amine groups facing their complimentary alcohol groups.
If you have trouble getting to sleep, this quilt can help! Not only is it soft, it reminds you of the magic of Ambien (generic Zolpidem, which is the molecule shown).
Klonopin is the brand name for the benzodiazepine class tranquilizer clonazepam, which is used to treat various disorders, notably panic and seizures. Quilts can also be used for their calming effect, but their effectiveness has not been evaluated by the FDA.
This quilt has absolutely no psychedelic properties, guaranteed. It's just regular cotton/poly, I swear.
Cyclrosporine (also called Ciclosporin) is an immunosuppressant drug often used to prevent rejection of transplanted organs. This quilt may not help you medically, but at least it can keep you warm.
Chlorophyll is the molecule in green plants that converts sunlight into chemical energy. It’s found in chloroplasts where multiple chlorophyll molecules are arranged in a ring, roughly like this version (except of course in three dimensions).
A quilt for getting pregnant (estriol is the principle hormone that is tested for by pregnancy tests, because it shoots up in the early stages).
A quilt for not getting pregnant. (Levonorgestrel is also known as Plan B. I'm not making a political statement! It's just a counterpoint to our Estriol quilt.)
This quilt, which is available with optional blood red thread (if you ask for it as a custom thread color), displays the Heme molecule, which is the active center of hemoglobin in the blood. The function of hemoglobin is to transport oxygen through the bloodstream. A single iron atom, not covalently bonded to anything but held in place by its +2 electric charge, is responsible both for the red color of blood, and its ability to bind oxygen.
Tramadol is an opiate pain killer used for moderate to severe pain. It's sad that there are people who need medicines like this, but very fortunate that they exist for those who do. This quilt isn't a substitute for medicine, but at least it's soft and warm.
(Click the image to see more picture. When you order the quilt you'll be given options for fabric, thread color, and lettering.)
The graphite form of carbon consists hexagonal sheets of carbon atoms, with benzene-like bonds around each ring. Graphene is the hot new notion of working with just a single layer of this stuff, rather than the trillions of layers that make up even a very shin sheet of graphite. Since this quilt shows just one layer of atoms, it's a graphene quilt. (Note that, unlike all the other molecule quilts, this one does not include element symbol letters inside each atom. They are all carbon, so the letters would be redundant.)
I do not advise choosing any lettering on this quilt. It will not look good.
(Click the image to see more picture. When you order the quilt you'll be given options for fabric, thread color, and lettering.)
For that special someone (including you) who needs a special molecule. We can create a quilt for any molecule you like (as long as it has a reasonable structure and number of atoms). Usually just the name of the molecule is enough, but if you have a MOL file of it, we can use that. We will contact you to arrange all the details including fabric and thread color, and let you see the design before its stitched. If for any reason your molecule just can't be made, we will of course issue a full refund.
Hanging Loops
This isn't actually a quilt, it's an option you can order along with any other quilt to add a hanging loop, which allows you to use a rod to hang the quilt from the wall. Be sure to select a size that matches the size of the quilt you've ordered. Rod not included.