Author, Publisher, Developer, Stitchcoder


Last Call for Maribel's Masks

One year ago, on April 24, 2020 we sold our very first hand-made cloth mask. We expected Maribel’s Masks to exist as a business for maybe a month or two until a plentiful supply of masks arrived, or maybe a few months more if people really liked them. The idea that we would still be selling masks an entire year later seemed entirely out of the question.

We all know how that went, so here we are, one year and over 4500 masks later.

But, at long last, it does seem that things are slowly winding down, and so it is with a combination of relief and nostalgia that we are announcing the imminent end of Maribel’s Masks. We will take our last order in two weeks, on Saturday May 8th.

After we’ve filled the last order, we plan to pack up everything—pre-cut fabric pieces, nose wires, cord locks, elastic, the whole nine yards (actually more like a hundred or two)—and put it away in a safe place for next time. Like a mask business time capsule ready to be opened in case of need.

So if you like our masks and are more pessimistic than we are, now’s your chance to stock up! Place your last orders now at

Theodore Gray1 Comment