Author, Publisher, Developer, Stitchcoder

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ABC Elements (Autographed Copy) On Sale!

ABC Elements (Autographed Copy) On Sale!


This listing is for an autographed copy: if you want a regular copy much cheaper and faster, you can order it from Amazon with this link.

ABC Elements is a “board book” of the sort meant for kids of at age when they are as likely to eat a book as read it. It is an alphabet-and-elements teaching book. For each letter of the alphabet, there’s an element and a picture. OK, there is no element for J: we “Jump over J” instead. And G is for Gold, not Gadolinium, because come on, this is a book for 2-year-olds. (Not to worry, I made sure the graphic design does not imply that G is the elemental symbol for gold, just that gold is a word that starts with G. Which it is.) You can get it cheaper from Amazon, but if you buy it from me you get an autographed copy!

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